Macau and Hong Kong Disney Special

Macau and Hong Kong Disney Special Tour Details
Code: HK007
Macau and Hong Kong Disney Special

Departure From Hong Kong Pier
Morning transfer to International Airport for your next destination.

  • Price: inr 54699
  • Days: 6
  • Nights: 5
Code: HK007

Day 1: Arrive at Hong Kong Proceed to Macau

Day 2: Macau Sightseeing Tour

Day 3: Macau to Hong Kong Disneyland (1 Day Pass)

Day 4: Disneyland – Hong Kong (No Transfer)

Day 5: Full Day Ocean Park Tour

Day 6: Departure from Hong Kong Pier to Macau Hotel (via Ferry Terminal)

Code: HK007

Day 1: Arrive at Hong Kong Proceed to Macau
Upon arrival at Hong Kong International Airport
(HKIA), don’t pass the Hong Kong Immigration.

Day 2: Macau Sightseeing Tour
Morning half day Macau Tour.

Day 3: Macau to Hong Kong Disneyland (1 Day Pass)
Breakfast at hotel. Check out and take the hotel’s free shuttle transfer to Ferry
Terminal and board your ferry to Hong Kong.

Day 4: Disneyland – Hong Kong (No Transfer)
Today afternoon, transfer from Disneyland Hotel to Hong Kong main city.

Day 5: Full Day Ocean Park Tour
Spend a full day enjoying the wonder of Ocean Park Hong Kong.

Day 6: Departure from Hong Kong Pier to Macau Hotel (via Ferry Terminal)

Code: HK007

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