Fabulous Hong Kong Macau

Fabulous Hong Kong Macau Tour Details
Code: HK005
Fabulous Hong Kong Macau

Departure From Hong Kong Pier
Morning transfer to International Airport for your next destination.

  • Price: inr 50199
  • Days: 6
  • Nights: 5
Code: HK005

Day 1: Arrive at Hong Kong Proceed to Macau

Day 2: Macau Sightseeing Tour

Day 3: Macau to Hong Kong – Hong Kong Night Tour

Day 4: Full Day Ocean Park Tour

Day 5: Full Day Disneyland Tour with Private transfers

Day 6: Departure from Hong Kong Pier to Macau Hotel (via Ferry Terminal)

Code: HK005

Day 1: Arrive at Hong Kong Proceed to Macau
Upon arrival at Hong Kong International Airport
(HKIA), don’t pass the Hong Kong Immigration.

Day 2: Macau Sightseeing Tour
Morning half day Macau Tour.

Day 3: Macau to Hong Kong – Hong Kong Night Tour
Upon arrival in Hong Kong you will be transferred to your hotel..

Day 4: Full Day Ocean Park Tour
Spend a full day enjoying the wonder of Ocean Park Hong Kong.

Day 5: Full Day Disneyland Tour with Private transfers
Make the most of your Hong Kong Disneyland adventure with this package that
includes admission and transportation.

Day 6: Departure from Hong Kong Pier to Macau Hotel (via Ferry Terminal)

Code: HK005

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